Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

I do wrote a romantic story

Since I fall in love with the romantic stories I try to write my own romantic story. But I never finished the story. The first part of my story is the best part because this is the part when my good mood begins. I like this part a lot, because this part is when I start to search a name. Indonesian name is a must, I mean the name of the character. Usually I use Javanese name for example Damar Banyuaji for the boys name and Andjani For the girls or Danang and Diandra , Karina and Aditya, Wicak and Gadis...I think those are romantic names. Sadly when my mood drop I can't finish my story.

My idea came from anywhere, sometimes from gossip around the office or when I saw handsome artist like Bondan Prakoso or Daniel Manansang...a story pops up on my head, and I wrote down the idea on my laptop. Eventhough I never finished my novel but the idea still come crossing on my head, but now I don't have enough time to write down the idea.

The other reason why I wrote a romantic stories because I am not satisfied with the romantic novel I read. When I finished read the book I feel icky 'what a cheap story' or ' I can write story like that' bla..bla..the point is I am jealous with the outhor of the 'not so romantic story'book. Someday I want my books be on the shelves of famous bookstore. On the romantic section of course. 

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