Jumat, 04 November 2011

Kipas Mahal dari kupu kipas

Saya itu penganut dan sangat percaya dengan istilah ada uang ada barang. Maksudnya barang yang berkualitas bagus itu pasti harganya mahal tidak mungkin murah. Sebagian orang pasti akan berkerut keningnya karena mereka bisa memilih barang murah dengan model dan disain yang bagus tapi tidak berkesan murahan. Beruntunglah kalian yang bisa begitu. Saya itu bukan orang yang dengan teliti mencari barang bagus di tempat murah karena ya susah milih dan malas. Selain itu dengan bentuk badan ukuran L dan XL sangat susah mencari baju di tempat murah (menurut saya lho). Intinya ada uang ada barang deh.

Lho apa hubungannya dengan kipas...

Begini ya, suatu hari saya terdampar di citos untuk suatu urusan di hari rabu. Citos kalau hari Rabu itu ada ladies day yaitu bazaar yang khusus diadakan untuk para wanita. Kebayang dong paniknya saya melihat jajaran batik-batik cantik..yup saya beli dua baju. Ada satu stand yang sangat saya suka adalah stand kupukipas yang menjual kipas-kipas nan cantik dan berkualitas tinggi...paniiik doong. Harganya memang mahal tapi ada uang ada barang, tidak akan menyesal deh membeli barang berkualitas dan terpakai dalam waktu lama. Mengapa saya senang menemukan kipas ini...sebagai manusia yang ditakdirkan mempunyai badan subur, saya mudah sekali berkeringat. Jangan mikir keringatnya kecil-kecil di dahi atau di hidung yaaa, keringat saya itu derasss mengucur seperti habis olah raga lari. Kalau sudah begini maka saya selalu mencari benda-benda tipis untuk dijadikan kipas atau membawa handuk kecil (?) untuk lap muka (bukan sapu tangan lho), gak banget yaaa.

Dengan senang saya pengumuman di bb group keluarga suami. Dan inilah percakapan dengan ipar-iparku tersayang yang selalu merecoki :

Bundaemir: 'akhirnya aku beli kipas cantik dari kupu kipas'
evi:'berapa harganya'
Bundaemir: 'yang gede kayak teteh 250 rb tapi aku belinya yang sedang 150 rb'
teh wanti: 'aku titip dong'
Bundaemir: 'boleh teh yang warna apa'
Bunda Ira : 'beli kipas kok ratusan ribu hasilnya sama kayak hihid'
*hihid kipas tukang sate (bahasa Sunda)
teh wanti: 'iya ah mahal...aku beli di kampung cina aja ah 35 rb'
Bundaemir : 'jiaaahhhh'

Dengan janji kalau rusak bisa diperbaiki kapanpun dan disain yang elegan gak masuk akal kalau dibandingkan dengan kipas dari kampung cina yang terkenal dengan barang murah dan gampang rusak itu. Dan lagi Kupu Kipas itu buatan Indonesia lho, sudah seharusnya kita membeli dan bangga dengan produk negeri sendiri.

Kamis, 29 September 2011

Apa sih isi tasku

Suatu hari daerah bahu, tangan dan leher saya terasa pegal-pegal tanpa sebab. Dipijitpun tidak mengurangi rasa pegalnya. Pikir punya pikir saya melirik tas saya yang berukuran jumbo dan mengangkat tas tersebut 'ya ampun berat juga isinya apaan ya'. Kemudian saya mulai mengeluarkan satu persatu isinya:

  1. Dompet gak ada uang tapi penuh dengan kartu nama, kartu kredit, kartu ATM,kartu anggota macem-macem, koin-koin,kertas-kertas bon
  2. Tas kecil tempat kosmetik yang cukup lengkap untuk orang yang gak suka dandan
  3. Tas batik kecilku biasanya berisi obat-obatan dan flashdisk (?)
  4. Sisir kuning besar
  5. Charger bb
  6. satu bb dan satu hp
  7. Parfum
  8. Majalah
  9. film korea :))
  10. underwear dan pantyliner
  11. biskuit
  12. majalah
Belum lagi tas laptopku yang versi besar dan berat itu. Jadi hari itu terpecahkan misteri sakit kepala selama ini. setelah melakukan manajemen tas saya berhasil mengurangi hampir separoh isi tas dan mencari barangpun lebih mudah. Tahu gak barang teraneh yang ada di tasku Robot mainan Emir :)

Jumat, 16 September 2011

Di rumah wa' Isoh

Rumah wa Isoh adalah surga bagi binatang karena mereka dibiarkan hidup bebas di halaman yang luas. Emir dan sepupunya sangat senang kalau di ajak ke sana walaupun mereka tidak bebas karena di larang mengejar binatang-binatag itu oleh Karl suami Wa Isoh :))

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Aku dan Batik

Batik dress motif parang adalah favoritku karena klasik tapi tidak kuno dan bisa tampil modis.

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

shopping online addicted

Oh My God

My new hobbies...online shopping

From the bag to the cake

it's super duper easy

just add them as your friend on facebook

whoala...you are their friends

pick the picture you like

ask the price by inbox


they send you the invoice by inbox

transfer the money

wait for 2 or 3 days


my new batik bag...and I already have 3

so this is the 4th bag

uggghh...please stop tagged me your beautiful batik bag or shawl or skirt or cake?

I'm done...I'm online shopping addicted

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011


Have you heard this song "lebih baik sakit gigi daripada sakit hatiii ini..." I hate the song. Especially when you are in pain like me now. My gums swollen because of my tooth get inflammation, and I can't eat for three days. I don't know this situation makes me happy or sad. I am a snacking person my mouth never stop snacking. I think my gums hurt because of my hobbies, maybe it yell at me "stop snacking will you...it hurt me". And here I am waiting the dentist in a hospital.

Waiting without doing something is a very useless job situation, I'm not a gadget person who always checking the 'ping' voice or browsing on your iphone, I'm a reading and snacking person :).

Urrgh...It took me almost one hour until I heard the angel voices...Oh my angel Why took you so long to call my name. So I am in the dentist room and immedietly sat down on a dentist chair. The doctor hold a dentist thing and touch my tooth which is cost me a lot of 'ouch'...hey doc are you nuts. 'oooh ok..' he said 'you can get up now maam, I'll give you the receipt'. I'm just like 'that's it no machine or drill something for my angry teeth...waiting for an hour only this you can do'. I sit down on a chair in front of him who is busy writing me a receipt, 'sorry doc...what happen with my tooth' I ask him. 'the gums are swollen' he said. yeah rites I know..I know but why doc why *acting like joey in friends*. 'maybe it swollen because of my snacking habit doc..' my voice sounds worries. 'no...that tooth must throw away...this is not the first time right and makes you suffer a lot. If the pain gone you can come over again'. Said the dentist and gave me the receipt. 'thank you doc...' I feel free...I don't know even we have a lot of pain, going to the dentist is last thing to do, the first time is looking for a pain killer which is free selling at the small shop. But after the visiting the dentist you may say this is the brave thing I've ever done and I need a little present for me...cookies or candies for snacking :)

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Piknik di Kebun Raya Bogor

Minggu kemarin keluargaku merencanakan jalan-jalan ke Kebun Raya Bogor termasuk ke musium zoology dan sekalian piknik di sana. Piknik beneran pake gelar tikar, bawa rantang makanan dan cuci mulutnya rujak :).

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Bunda VS Emir (berantem)

Malam tadi pulang kerja bunda langsung duduk di kursi depan tipi dan Emir duduk selonjoran di kursi kayu sambil main PSP. Mulai terdengar suara kesal dari mulutnya kayak gini "aduuuuh kenapa sih robotnya kalah terus" atau "kenapa sih gak bisa lompat" sambil mukul-mukul bantal kursi dan bunda mulai merasa harus intervensi sedikit

Bunda: jangan kesel...jangan kesel

Emir: diam cuma ngelirik sebal

Bunda: namanya juga games itu bahasa Inggris artinya main

Emir: bunda...ah (kesel kali sudah denger 1000 x)

Emir kabur masuk kamar dengan muka kesal. Bunda ikut masuk "kenapa sih". Emir diam mukanya ditutup bantal tanpa bicara cuma nunjuk bunda dan nunjuk pintu...weeeks bunda disuruh keluar mir...dia mengangguk-angguk dengan muka masih ditutup bantal!!!

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

aku dan batik

Blus batik motif parang ini adalah favoritku karena sangat nyaman dan bisa jadi baju 'aman' ketika masa - tidak - punya - baju tiba!

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

My first Photography Contest

I love this photo because of the bright color of the costume and the handwriting tatoo on her skin which is the name of the company sites and I think this girl face look like a mannequin...

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

5 minutes seawalker

Whaaat...really...seawalker...naaah it's not you...

yup..yup...I tried seawalker in Tanjung Benoa, Bali last week. I was curious about seawalker since it first appeared in Bali. I saw it on TV when people walk in the sea and feed the fish by wearing oxygen helmet which is connected with oxygen hose. Since I'm not fan of water sport, I thought it's brilliant and easy...walking in the sea and become my obsession. I can not imagine doing extreme water sport like diving, swimming on the sea, parasailing,flying fish, or banana boat becouse it was thrown from the boat...even though we wear lifejacket still I' definetely in panic attack.

After we decided to do a seawalker, my friends and I were taken to a place that manages sea walker. We received the explanation how to do seawalker from the manager. People with serious desease are not allowed. The depth of the sea approximately three meters. Don't panic is the key word. We signed an agreement that it approved all the consequences and will not sue if something happens to it. We changed our clothes to diving gear and then they brought us by boat away from the beach. The weather sunny and bright but the waves seems high. Soon we arrived at a larger ship which 'parking' on the sea. We move to that ship which is so hard becouse of the waves. Suddenly my heart beat so fast 'Oh My God this is bad idea' and I asked the guard 'where is the seawalker location...' and they said 'this is the location maam...' 'How deep it is...' my friend asked. 'It's about six meters'.
'Whaaattt...no..no..no the manager said it's only three meters' I said panicing. 'becouse of the storm last night raise the sea level'. 'Ok maam you the first to go down...' he pointed me!!!

'How can we go down there' My heart beat faster than F1 car. 'There are stairs that will take you down and when you are not feel the stairs don't swim becouse I would draw your legs toward the location, and there was a rope attached so you can hold on...you have two guards around you so don't be afraid and don't panic'. I hold my breathe and doing an inhale and exhale thing. They put the oxygen hose on me, this is it...my new adventure begin.

I went down the sea bottom via the iron stairs...but when my head had entered the sea I feel shortness of breathe. Do you know an old movie 'voyage to the bottom of the sea' the illustration about the depth of the sea, the silence, feeling alone with the 'duung...duung...duung' music, you know what I mean. With all that sensation I was sooo panic...my thumb pointing upwards. The guards seems like 'heloooo we haven't started yet' but I don't want to continue this. I climbed up and I said ' I can't breathe sorry...' don't panic maam...inhale...exhale it's a normal thing when we are under the sea our breathe is under pressure, all you have to do is swallow your saliva or press your nose...okey maam we can try it one more time'. Still with my shortness breathe I agreed. So I came down the stairs to the sea bottom for the second time. Finally I did it, the guard draw me to the rope and I walked on the bottom of the sea...yess I walked with the fish surounding me...but I still hard to breathe and I feel like...'I don't wanna die here please let me out' and for the second time my thumb pointing up...I give up. The guard take me to the top...so difficult because of the wave, my hand hold on tight to the stairs.

I feel free when they open my oxygent hose...this is not my world and I hate water sport!!!

FYI : when you decide to do the seawalker please ask about the weather and the waves. The high waves makes everything cloudy under the sea, and so hard to walk...

It cost me five hundred rupiahs for five minutes seawalker...ughhh!

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Plumeria alba

Bunga ini banyak terdapat di setiap rumah dan pura di Bali dan sangat berperan penting dalam kebudayaan Bali. Foto-foto ini diambil di sebuah hotel di Bali dari balkon kamar sesudah hujan reda...

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Comfort zone

Comfort zone is stuck on something we don't like for a years and we dont know how to escape from that circle or we don't have a guts to break in, like living in eggshell. Sometimes exhousting when we have to deal with same situation day by day, night by night...routines can kill you.

I myself have been trapped inside the circle of comfort zone for a years and I have to feel so comfort to go out, let say works, wife, mom, home, same old friends, bla..bla..as if I am not grateful. My question is do we have to go out from our comfort zone or not. Comfort zone is not bad at all, face it people!...all you have to do is making your comfort zone is colorfull like have a hobbies or make a new friends or watch a Korean Drama (believe me...you're gonna love it) or go to karaoke (don't be shy to a sing a song...), so many ways to fill up your day. Like me kitchen is my perfect gateaway for relaxing even now I am suffer 'bakingblue' disease :)) and another way is my Nikon.

So please...don't yelling at me when I enjoying my comfort zone...this blog is one of my comfort zone circle.

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

I'm (not) fashionista

Yeah I hate to admited it but I'm so boooring with my self style, since I love fashion blog and know what people wear and curious why they are so fabulous in what they wear, so confident, so perfect, ughhh...oke..oke I need some fresh air *coolingdown*

First of all is my hair, why? I have a long hair but no style at all. I cut my hair more than five month ago...and coloring it three month ago...you can see the grey white hair, all I can do is just do the ponytail style *desparate*

Second is my outfit, why? since I have weight problem, I give up my fashion style under a babydoll syle and for that people always assume I'm a pregnant mom! *Am I that pregnant?*

Third is my shoes, bag, jeans...why? I don't like fake branded from China, I'll choose the affordable middle branded like Mango, Zara, next but still I'm monogamist person who will always wear the goods until I feel icky with that thing.

Ok this is what I feel when I don't have a propriate clothes anymore in my closet. I'm sure I'm not the one in this 'I don't know what to wear' world... :))

Selasa, 26 April 2011

9 to 5 working mom

Tired...is the only word to describe her
Multitasking...is the word to comfort her
Child...is the word to make her strong

And I was one of these

Senin, 25 April 2011

Saturday hunting pic

I took this picture from the car, it was raining outside...

The lady and batik...

blue and orange goggles...

Kamis, 21 April 2011

the bubble girl

This is Kayla my lovely niece playing the bubbles...she has a photogenic face and my camera loves her face...even when she is not on the mood.

ow..ow..something happen with the bubbles maker...but she still looks pretty though

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Saturday hunting pic

I love hunting picture on saturday morning before the sun shines not too hot and the dew still on the leaves but the farmers have already working hard on the field...

Kamis, 14 April 2011

Birds should fly

On Saturday morning when I was doing a walking exercise to fullfill my intention to walk ten thousand steps (yeah...right!), I stop at a birds seller and ask permission to take a picture and he said ok but please don't write down the price on the magazine (?). At first I only interest of the cage not the birds but suddenly I feel sad for them when I accidently shoot this little bird's face

I want my mommy's eyes...

so...we have to sing a birds song right...

Sad huh...they looks like shouting 'hey somebody help me...let me out of here!'

I need Ice cream!!!!

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Between Emir and Cepot

My son Emir loves 'wayang golek' or traditional puppet from west Java, especially the puppet called Cepot. Cepot is the funniest character among the puppet, he has a funny red face and wear a 'blangkon' (traditional hat), black clothes and sarong. People always waiting the appearance of Cepot especially when he fought againts the 'buta' or giants. That's a very funny scene.

'Wayang golek', unfortunately is not suitable for children to watch, since they always using too many curse words (ughh I hate when they use that). Sundanese people were famous because they have a polite word for talking to parents or teacher but when they talked among their friends (mostly young peoples) is a normal thing to speak with harsh language even cursing is a natural thing.

Anyway...so even if Emir loves wayang, I still forbide him to watch the show unless it was specifically intended for children.

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Cangkuang Temple

Cangkuang temple is a Hindu temple located in Kampung Pulo, Cangkuang Region, Leles Subsdistrict Garut, West Java. According to this blog this temple is also the first time found in Tatar Sunda and is the only Hindu Temple.

I've never heard of the Cangkuang Temple before, never knew or even never read it...can you believe it...I love history. When I was in primary school I want to be an archeologist because of my history teacher taught about temples and Indonesian ancient kingdoms with an interesting way. So why...why...I do not know about the existence of The Cangkuang Temple. I just found out last week accidentally when I was visiting my relatives in Garut, her house is located near The Temple. I am very excited especiallu since I am crazy falling in love with photography.

To reach the temple located on a small island we had to cross Situ Cangkuang (situ means lake) using a bamboo raft. We can see the local residents use the lake for daily life such as washing clothes, bathing (perhaps) , and fishing. Children playing in the lake after school, bamboo raft, fisherman, lake surrounded by mountains...imagine this beautiful scenary in Garut.

Did you know that Cangkuang is the name of a plants type pandanus. This plants have a fruit
looks like jackfruit, they said it tasted sweet but make itchy.
Cangkuang Temple was found in 1966 and restored by the Government in 1974. The stones of
the temple was using a new stones because the old stones is widely uses by the local peoples as a
stone tomb. This happens because they did not know that the stone is the part of the temple which
is important for the history. In the temple there is a statue of God Siva that have been damage
so as to minimize the damage, the government decided to create a locked iron door. Next to the
temple there is a tomb of Islamic leader named Eyang Embah Dalem Arif Muhammad. Actually I'm
not aware that a lots of stones around the temple is a tomb.

The existence of the temple is blessing for the local people, they make handicrafts and sell them to
the tourists. They sell roasted corn only a thousand rupiah, any brands of drinking water, boiled
bananas. Many people picnic here with all the family...eating lunch together under the big trees...
I love it since people today never do the picnic thing...am I right?

Please come to the Garut to see Cangkuang Temple and the natural beauty of the lake, trust me you will not regret it...

Selasa, 05 April 2011

Hibiscus a.k.a kembang sepatu

Wikipedia : Kembang sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) adalah tanaman semak suku Malvaceae yang berasal dari Asia Timur dan banyak ditanam sebagai tanaman hias di daerah tropis dansubtropis. Bunga besar, berwarna merah dan tidak berbau. Bunga dari berbagai kultivar danhibrida bisa berupa bunga tunggal (daun mahkota selapis) atau bunga ganda (daun mahkota berlapis) yang berwarna putih hingga kuning, oranye hingga merah tua atau merah jambu.
Lagi senang dengan bunga ini karena sangat sederhana tapi indah khas bunga-bunga daerah tropis.

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

herbal selling

One morning during my outdoor sport organized by my office, I saw this beautiful lady with a bicycle selling herbal medicine. She looks very polite and wearing muslimah dress. But by looking at her face we knew something was disturbing her...

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Onthel to work

good idea or bad idea...onthel only one choice of a thousand ways to minimize air pollution. Salute to those who brings onthel to work considering this bike is identical to old or slow...but who cares...so onthel to work why not!!!!

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Palembang from above

Can you see Ampera Bridge...?