Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

we live in 'lebay' world...

Ok...this is just a comment from people who have only one handphone...me! Sorry to say sometimes I feel sooo anoyed with people with 3 or 4 handphones and they still need a blackberry and they use them all!! please guys...who the hell are you!!! are you the boss of a large factory or something? are you the president of the piggy bank? are you the friend of Paris Hilton? or just regular boring employee who work 9 to 5 and never reach 'employee of the month' star...so you are. Why do you need so many handphone...do you really need them...how many friends you could talk with all that...only one!!

Ok...do you think I'm jelous huh...seriously I'm not ok...I'm only jelous with the blackberry huuuaah...! I'm not miss ring ring who look busy all day answering the cellphone...it's so fake...tottaly fake and you are a fake person...soooo lebaaayyy!!!


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